Outdoor Burning Banned in Vermont Through 11/12

Due to extremely dry weather, the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources has banned outdoor burning of brush and debris statewide until at least November 12th. The air is dry, the winds are high, and there has been very little rain, meaning that there is a tremendous amount of fuel on the ground right now, and any fires that occur can move especially quickly. The risk of an intentionally-set fire getting out of control is extreme, and therefore the state has banned property owners from intentionally setting fires. This is not a move the Agency of Natural Resources takes lightly: this is the first statewide burn ban since 2005.

What does this mean in Pawlet?

No burn permits will be issued during this time. Fires that are observed will be suppressed, and the property owner may be fined by the local forest fire warden. Property owners may also face liability for damage their out-of-control controlled burns cause. Intentionally-set fires that escape landowner control are far and away the #1 cause of wildfires in Pawlet.

Recreational or cooking fires do not require a permit, but we urge residents to be responsible and refrain from having outdoor fires while these weather conditions persist.

Because we find ourselves in the unusual situation of wild fire season overlapping with heating season, we also remind all residents to dispose of wood stove or fireplace ashes properly. Wood stove ashes are right behind intentionally-set fires as #2 most common cause of forest fires in Pawlet. Wood stove ashes can and will ignite grass and brush fires for DAYS after they have been burned in your stove. The embers appear “out” on cursory examination, but when exposed to the wind, there is still plenty of heat there to start a fire. Scoop wood burning appliance ashes into a metal container with a secure lid (a small trash can works great), put the can on a non-combustible surface (bare dirt, rock or concrete) at least 10′ away from your home and away from porches, wood piles, and other combustibles. Let the ashes cool for 4 days. After that time, it is safe to discard the ashes in any manner you wish. Never put ashes in a combustible container (paper bag, cardboard box etc), never put them straight into the garbage, and never use a regular vacuum to clean up ash.

Thank you for your help keeping Pawlet safe from wildfire.