To report an emergency or any other time-sensitive hazardous situation, dial 911 from any telephone.
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Need a 911 address marker for yoru home or business? We’ve got you!
Fire Safety and Risk Reduction
Three Easy Things You Can Do Right Now to Make Your Home Safer
1) Check your smoke detector and change the battery. Smoke detectors cut your risk of dying in a fire in half. Got ’em? Great! Take a minute to make sure they are working. Check the batteries by pushing the “test” button (it should go off!), and check the date on the back: detectors older than 10 years have exceeded their service life and must be replaced. That one on top of your fridge with the batteries out? That one is not helping. If a detector keeps getting set off by everyday activities, find a better place to mount it.
2) Have a fire drill. If you have children in your household, prepare them for a fire the same way they do it at school: by having regular fire drills. Choose a meeting place a safe distance from the home to go to when the alarm sounds. Then press the “test” button on the detector and give it a try. Having a meeting place allows parents to account for their children, who might otherwise scatter or hide. Drills like this have been credited with saving young lives right here in our community. Remember: once you exit a burning house, you do not go back in under any circumstances. Get out, stay out!
3) Make sure we can find your house. When you call 911, your street address is how we find you. Make sure all family members know their address, and post it in big, bold numbers plainly visible from the road. The next time you pull up, put yourself in a firefighter’s boots: knowing only the number, could you find your house from a moving fire truck? Need an ideal address marker? We’ll make you one, and put it up for you!
For more fire safety tips, click here!
Need a Smoke or CO Detector? Got a Fire Safety Question in Your Home?
Check out our 802 Safe Program!
Non-Emergency Services
Learn about the range of non-emergency services our company provides to Pawlet residents.